Erectile Dysfunction
New Zealand has just become the first place in the world where you don’t have to see your doctor for your little blue pills.
Our Pharmacist can prescribe Sildenafil to male patients between the ages of 35 and 70 who experience erectile dysfunction. Call in to discus to see if Sildenafil is suitable for you.
This requires a 15 minute consultation with our pharmacist and involves a blood pressure check.
An effective treatment for erectile dysfunction is now available without a prescription.
One of our pharmacists will work through a series of questions with you in our consulting room to ensure the treatment is suitable for you.
Once you have undertaken this full assessment, you will be able to continue to purchase Silvasta® (sildenafil) from Parkvale Pharmacy for a further 12 months – if you have no change in health.
After 12 months another full assessment will be required.