Southern Cross Easy Claim
What is Southern Cross Health Society Easy-claim?
Easy -claim is a process which aims to simplify claiming for Southern Cross Health Society members.
Currently, members need to fill in a Southern Cross claim form to be reimbursed for services they have received (according to benefits they have in their policy and eligibility criteria). These forms are then processed and paid - it can be a be time-consuming and lengthy process.
In conjunction with Toniq Limited, Southern Cross delivers a solution which provides an electronic and easy process for Southern Cross members to claim for their prescription items (hence the name 'Easy-claim').
With Easy-claim, when Southern Cross members use certain services (eg. obtaining medication from Parkvale Pharmacy), by presenting their Member Card, Parkvale Pharmacy will be able to send a claim electronically to Southern Cross, on the members behalf, and have it paid while they wait (depending on their eligibility to claim for the service involved).
This means the claim they would normally receive from Southern Cross is paid directely to Parkvale Pharmacy, and the Southern Cross member is only required to pay the remaining balance (if there is any amount remaining).
Bring your card in today and we'll enter your details to make claiming easy.